Tell-Pass - 瑞士中部


瑞士中部Tell Pass

持有Tell Pass可在2、3、4、5或10天內乘坐巴士、船隻或山間火車探索瑞士中部的所有地方。 跳上車/船,出發吧! 從該地區的任何地方出發,參觀素有山巒皇后之稱的瑞吉山,或乘坐世界上最陡峭的齒輪鐵軌火車到達有巨龍傳說的皮拉圖斯山。 還可在鐵力士峰或安德馬特(Andermatt) – Gemsstock山體驗全年覆蓋的積雪。 琉森湖懷舊式明輪蒸汽船從山谷車站駛向布爾根施托克(Bürgenstock)、Klewenalp、雪利堡(Seelisberg)或施圖斯(Stoos)-弗羅納爾普施托克山(Fronalpstock)的觀景台。 遊覽楚格時造防石丹峰上的旋轉餐廳,還有乘船或齒輪火車旅行,這些遊客將享受一種獨特的體驗。 持有Tell Pass的遊客也有機會觀賞浪漫的阿爾卑斯山脈或Bannalp、布汝尼山、Melchsee-Frutt、Hochstuckli或Wirzweli上面積不大卻生機勃勃的數個山地湖泊。

瑞士中部Tell Pass-有效範圍地圖

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Tell-Pass – 瑞士中部

  • 乘火車、汽車、船和山地火車在瑞士中部不受限制地旅行(有關夏季冬季有效性的更多資訊)
  • 持此通票可搭乘旅行的連續日數:2天、3天、4天、5天、10天
  • 在生效首日前4個工作日內可免費取消
  • 可作為在家列印的票證/電子票證


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The Tell-Pass is a regional rail pass for Central Switzerland and allows free travel by train, bus, boat and numerous mountain railroads. Furthermore, Tell-Pass holders benefit from numerous discounts with bonus partners.

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The Tell Pass is a personal ticket and is not transferable.

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The Tell Pass can be purchased by tourists from abroad as well as Swiss citizens.

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The Tell Pass can be purchased at numerous points of sale and online at as a print@home ticket.

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Children aged 6-16 travel for a fixed price of just CHF 30 for anything from two to ten days’ unrestricted travel! Kids under the age of 6 are travelling for free.

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The Winter Tell-Pass starts at CHF 120, the Sommer Tell-Pass starts at CHF 190 for two days of unrestricted travel.

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The number of selected days of the Tell Pass must be obtained consecutively.

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The Tell-Pass offers virtually unrestricted rail, bus, boat and aerial cableway travel throughout the Lake Lucerne Region.

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Purchase the Tell-Pass and climb aboard – it’s as easy as that. No need to have the ticket stamped or validated. You simply show your Tell-Pass and a valid ID document when asked to do so.

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The Tell Pass is a discounted offer, so there are no further discounts for groups.

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The holder of a Tell-Pass has the opportunity to buy a dog-ticket for just CHF 30.

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The Tell-Pass only covers part of the journey from Zurich Airport to Lucerne. Means that you will need an additional, regular ticket from Zurich (Airport) to Zug and continue the journey from there by Tell-Pass to Lucerne.

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